

Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas (MEPMA)

  • About MEPMA:

The Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas (MEPMA) is a Government of AP Society forming  part of Department of Municipal Administration & Urban Development. The Mission was established through Government issued G.O Ms No 414 dated 4.6.2007 and was launched on 1st September, 2007.  Hon’ble Chief Minister  of Andhra Pradesh is the Chairman of Governing body, Hon’ble Minister for Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department is the Vice Chairman. The Principal Secretary, Municipal Administration, is the Chairman of MEPMA’s Executive Committee.  Mission Director, MEPMA implements the urban poverty alleviation schemes. The district units are headed by Projects Directors.

  • Objectives of the Mission:

The main Objective of MEPMA is socio economic development through Empowerment of urban poor women, especially those residing in slums. It is the platform of  Urban  Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) for Empowerment. The Mission formulates strategies to implement poverty reduction programmes in urban areas to eliminate poverty of the urban poor and vulnerability in a sustainable manner and improve their quality of life by accessing services from all organizations through their own strong self reliant and self managed institutions.

  • Functions of MEPMA:

The MEPMA-DPMU, Anakaplli District is functioning the following activities in its jurisdictions of (2) ULBs i.e. Narsipatanam and Yellamanchili Municipalities :

  1. Forming the urban  women into Self Help Groups (SHGs) and encouraging internal savings and internal lending:

  • Under the aegis of MEPMA 10-12 urban women form into Self Help Groups (SHGs). Around 25 SHGs constitute one Slum Level Federation (SLF). A Town Level Federation (TLF) comprises of 25-35 SLFs. MEPMA encourages internal savings and internal lending among the members.

  • In Anakpalli District  2606 Self Help Groups have been formed in (2) ULBs with total members of 26581.

  • In Narsiatnam ULB, there exists (53) Slum Level federation and (1) Town level federation whereas Yellamamnchili ULB consists of (45) Slum Level federation and (1) Town level federation.

  1. Capacity Building of Community Based Organizations :

For this purpose periodical trainings are organized to SHG members on topics like Book-keeping training, Digital Literacy, Mobile Book Keeping and various Government Schemes.

  1. Creating access to credit by providing Bank Linkage :

  • Bank loans have been provided to SHGs to meet day-to-day needs like education, health and other social needs and take up income generation activities to improve their economic condition.

  • 5564 SHGs have been benefited with a loan amount of 41.66 Crores till now.

  1. Loans with Subsidies for self employment units :

  • Under Self Employment Programme (SEP) MEPMA would arrange subsidy of 7% of the total loan for setting up Micro Business Enterprise.

  • 285 SHGs have been benefitted 3.61 Crores under this Scheme.

  1. Better Health & Nutrition awareness :

  • To reduce the vulnerability of slum residents to diseases and ill health Health Camps have been organized by MEPMA, in the slum localities. 76 groups of Mahila Arogya Samithi (MAS) were established in Narsipatnam Municipality and conducting awareness programs to the members of SHGs about personal and areas cleanliness.

  • In the Financial year 2021-22 hygienic kits were supplied to 98 RPs from UNICEF and also training was given to the SHG members on Covid.

  1. Community Resources Centers (CRCs) & Mahila Swasakthi Bhavans (MSBs):

To provide the SHG women with a platform for interaction and to take up developmental activities under their groups and associations (2) CRCs have been sanctioned and construction in Narsipattanam and Yellamanchili ULBs.

  1. Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH):

One SUH is running in Narsipatnam Municipality area with 15 in mates.

  1. SUSV (Support to Urban Street Vendors):

So far 1844 street vendors have been profiled by MEPMA, Anakapalli to organize them into groups in the lines of SHGs.

  1. P.M. Svanidhi:

  • PM SVANidhi” is a central sector scheme launched by the Ministry of Housing &Urban affairs to provide a working capital loan upto Minimum Rs. 10,000 – Maximum Rs. 50,000/- with effective interests to street vendors to resume their business. The scheme will help formalize the street vendors and will open up new opportunities to move up economically.

  • Till now 3023 street vendors/road side daily business labors in (2) ULBs have been benefitted in this scheme with 3.95 Crores in 3 trenches.


  • This is the Scheme to provide bank loan to the beneficiaries who were sanctioned flats under PMAY(U)- A.P. TIDCO housing scheme with 365 Sft. and 430 Sft. Plinth area.

  • Through this scheme 1776 flats have been sanctioned to the beneficiaries in both the ULBs.                                                                                                 

Organization Chart & Contact Details of MEPMA,DPMU, Anakapalli

        Smt. N.Sarojini,  Project Director, MEPMA-DPMU, Anakapalli. Mobile No.:7901610051.

        Smt.Ch. Asha Latha, Administrative Officer, MEPMA-DPMU, Anakapalli. Mobile No.:7901610052.

        Sri G.R.C. Kumar, Senior Assistant , MEPMA-DPMU, Anakapalli. Mobile No.:7799558477.

        Kum. P. Vara lakshmi,DMC/CMM, Narsipatnam ULB.Mobile No. 7901610060.

        Smt. D. Padmavathi,CMM, Yellamanchili ULB.Mobile No. 7901610061.Email:

        Website: www.


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SHG WOMEN GATHERED AS A GROUP AND DISCUSSING THEIR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS Every month , MEPMA Bazars are being conducted by MEPMA at the ULBs to provide market for SHG Women
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MEPMA members have been enrolled in Home Triangle as “Service Provides” for providing opportunities in household services such as cleaning, plumbing, electrical repairs and more. Our SHG women has established a fruit stall at Yellamanchili ULB, with the aid of Bank Linkage.