The Department of Agriculture aims to increasing the crop production and productivity in order to ensure the food security and to improve the economic status of the farmers by implementing the various Crop schemes and farmer welfare programmes of the Andhra Pradesh Government and providing latest technology to the farming community through extension services and imparting trainings.
The activities of the Department includes :
1. Monitoring Soil Health by soil testing
2. Supply of pre tested quality inputs viz., seeds, fertilizers & PP Chemicals,
3. Performing statutory functions such as Quality Control,
4. Credit assessment and arrangements,
5. Crop Insurance,
6. Agriculture Mechanisation,
7. Natural Calamities,
8. Organisation of “Polampilustondhi” programme,
9. Capacity Building trainings to village level functionaries and to the farmers,
10. Adoption of Natural Farming Practices to improve the nutritional standards and reduce the global warming.
Anakapalli district consists of 7 Assembly Constituencies, 5 Sub-Divisions and 24 mandals. East sub division is headed by one regular ADA and Mandal Agriculture Officer in each mandal.
There are 6 notified Integrated Agri Labs at Constituency level in Anakapalli, Chodavaram, Yelamanchilli, Narsipatnam, Payakaraopeta and Madugula Constituencies and one District Lab at Sabbavaram to ensure availability of quality agri inputs by testing seed and fertilizer samples under 4 categories i.e., Act samples, Service samples, Trade samples and Farmer samples.
There are 2 soil testing laboratories, 1. Soil Testing Laboratory Anakapalli, 2. AMC level Soil Testing Laboratory at Narsipatnam. The Soil Testing Laboratory at Anakapalli is conducting analysis of Soil Samples received from all the 24 mandals and AMC level STL at Narsipatnam is not functioning due to lack of building and staff.
There are 450 RSKs in each village ranging from 11 to 25 RSKs in each mandal based on the cropped area and the RSKs are operated by VAA/VHA/VSA who are graduated in respective subject courses. The Rythu Seva Kendras are established for delivery of services to the farmers, supply of inputs, conduct of procurement operations, demonstrations and giving scientific advisories to the farmers pertaining to Agri & Allied Sectors.
There are 2 Research Stations, one is Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS) Anakapalli and the other one is Agricultural Research Station(ARS) in Yelamanchilli. Besides that there are 2 Krishi Vignan Kendras, KVK Kondempudi, Butchayyapeta and BCT – KVK at Haripuram, Rambilli mandal.
District Profile:
Total Geographical Area : 429071 Ha.
Gross area sown : 141106 Ha.
Total net area sown : 120431 Ha.
Area covered under irrigation : 63602 Ha.
Area under rainfed : 77504 Ha.
Total no. of land holdings : 389433
Total no. of SC land holdings : 9330
Total no. of ST land holdings : 9259
Total no. of small & marginal farmers : 375818
No.ofMandals: : 24
Total Population (2021 Census) : 1726953
Rainfall pattern:
Season |
Normal Rainfall (in mm) |
South-West Monsoon | 681.9 |
North- East Monsoon | 306 |
Winter Season | 23.4 |
Hot Weather Period | 164.2 |
Annual Rainfall | 1175.5 |
Soil Types based on Texture:
Reservoirs existing in the district:
Sandy loams | 19.00% |
Sandy Clay loams | 78.00% |
Clay soils | 3.00% |
Reservoirs existing in the district:
S.No | Name of the Reservoir |
Total Ayacut/ Area covered under the canal ( in ha) |
Normal Area under Paddy for this canal |
No of mandal/ Villages covered |
No.of Villages covered |
1 | Thandava | 13229 | 8050 |
Nathavaram-36 Narsipatnam-7 Kotauratla-10 |
53 |
2 | Pedderu | 6113 | 8573 |
V.Madugula-37 Ravikamatham-16 Butchayyapeta-9 |
62 |
3 | Raiwada | 6262 | 3440 | Chodavaram-14 Devarapalli-4 K.Kotapadu-12 | 30 |
4 | Konam | 5114 | 2732 |
Cheedikada-29 V.Madugula-3 Butchayyapeta-2 Chodavaram-4 Devarapalli-1 |
39 |
5 | Others | 31046 | 16054 | 10 Mandals | 36 |
Total | 61764 | 42047 | 24 |
Major crops grown in the district:
S.No | Crop | Kharif | Rabi | Total |
1 | Paddy | 53121 | 2311 | 55432 |
2 | Coarsegrains | 949 | 107 | 1056 |
3 | Pulses | 667 | 10811 | 11478 |
4 | Oilseeds | 843 | 2665 | 3508 |
5 | Cash Crops | 19195 | 117 | 19312 |
Total | 74775 | 16011 | 90786 |
e-Panta Booking :
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ll the Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Social Forestry and Forage crops grown in the district are digitally recorded through e-Panta app.
Seed distribution:Pre tested and Certified Paddy& Other crop seedsare supplied on subsidy through RSKs at village level duly recording online registration and sales in D-Krishi app. The Nodal Agency for supply of seeds is APSSDC.
Kharif – 22534 Qtls.,
Rabi – 1667 Qtls.,
FERTILIZER REQUIREMENT (Qty in Mts): Pre-tested, quality certified fertilizers are supplied through RSKs bases on the indents raised by the farmers through KIOSKS. The nodal Agency for supply of fertilizers is APMARKFED.
Kharif – 35353 MTs.,
Rabi – 15924 MTs.,
Welfare Schemes:
PM KISAN:The scheme is being implemented by GoI giving financial assistance of Rs. 6000/- to the farmers in 3 equal installments for timely sourcing of quality inputs.
PMFBY:The Government of India launched PradhanMantriPhasalBeemaYojana scheme in April 2016. This scheme provides compensation to farmers who have lost their crop yield due to natural calamities like cyclones, drought, unseasonal rains. Farmers and Tenant farmers who have registered land and paid premium within the stipulated time while cultivating selected crops are eligible to join this scheme.
Ind GAP Polambadi:
The Polambadis are being organized to empower the farmers to study and analyze the Agro Ecological Factors existing in the field for reducing cost of production and enhancing crop productivity as well as quality of the produce by employing Integrated Crop Management and Good Agricultural Practices. One Ind GAP Polambadi has been organized in each mandal during Kharif and Rabi seasons.
The members identified in Ind GAP Polambadi should be registered with the identified FPO by paying the share capital. The farmers under Ind GAP Polambadiwill adopt Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) as per the guidelines and after completion of the programme internal audit will be conducted by QMS team and external audit by APSOPCA team and the samples will be sent for testing. If sample is found as per the standards SCOPE certificate will be issued to the produce which can be sold across 135 countries at a remunerative price.
Seed Village Programme:
Paddy seed production has been taken up in farmers field by supplying foundation seed on 50% subsidy from various Agriculture Research Stations. The seed growing farmers are imparted training on Crop Management Techniques at different crop stages. Seed village plots are organized in every mandal @ 10 hectares each plot.
Quality Control:
Keeping in view that the quality inputs, (viz., Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides) reaches to the farmers, regular ADAs and Mandal Agriculture Officers conduct regular inspections to the input shops and take samples of all the inputs for analysis in notified laboratories to check the inflow of spurious inputs the markets. Action will be initiated on the sub-standard samples as per the provisions contained in the following Acts.
Seed Act 1966
Seed control order 1983
Environmental protection Act 1986
Essential Commodity Act 1955
The Fertilizer (Inorganic, Organic or Mixed) (Control) Order 1985
The Insecticide Act 1968
The Insecticide Rule 1971
Extension Schemes:
Polampilostondiprogramme:The programme is aimed to strengthen the extension reach at farmers “ door step. The Programme is being organized on every Tuesday and Wednesday of the week in all the mandals @ 2 villages per day by AgriDept along with Allied department officials and Scientists duly involving public representatives.
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Capacity Building Trainings:
Capacity building trainings are being organized to village level functionaries and farmers for agricultural development on the following aspects.
Integrated farming with diversified skills to explore alternative income sources.
Training on sustainable agriculture and to empower the farmers to take right decision in the farming practices.
Educating the farmers to grow drought resistant crop varieties and efficient irrigation methods.
Training on quality standards and market dynamics which leads to increased sales and better returns.
Training to rural women on equitable gender roles in agriculture and to engage income generating activities.
Imparting knowledge on traditional farming practices to preserve the bio-diversity.
Safe handling, storage and processing of Agriculture inputs.
Information Technology(IT):
Efforts were made to strengthen the informatics in Agriculture which helps to increase the yield and production.
Prediction of pests and disease will be done by using CLS app (Crop Life System) under NPSS (National Pest Surveillance System)& APSS.
Database will be created which will help in analyzing agriculture forecasting and market intelligence through e-Panta and CMAPP(Comprehensive monitoring of Agriculture, Price & Procurement). All the land records are completely digitized.
Use of Drones: Drones will help in enhancing the yield and reduce the Production Costs. DGCA authorized Drone Pilot training have been given to 26 unemployed youth in the district.
Weather Alerts:Increasing preparedness to predict and to manage the disasters is being followed through APSDPS weather alerts.
Kisan Call Center:The Kisan Call Center at Guntur was launched by Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers welfare on 21-01-2004 which provides Agriculture related queries of the farmers on a Telephone in telugu language and offer services from 6.00am to 10pm on all 7 days of the week. A country wide common eleven digit Toll free no. 1800-180-1551 has been allotted to KCC.
INTEGRATED CALL CENTER (ICC):Integrated Call Center was established at Gannavaram on May 30, 2020 with a toll free No. 155251 for giving telephonic based advisories on agriculture and Allied Dept., viz., Horticulture, Sericulture, Veterinary, Fisheries and Marketing based on virtual diagnosis through WhatsApp. There are Scientists and 30 experienced Call Center Executives who are BSc(Ag) / MSc(Ag)graduates with field experience.
District Agriculture Office Flow Chart
Extension Staff particulars:
S.No Sub-Division Employee Name Sarva Sri
Designation Place of working Department Number District Officer B. Mohan Rao DAO Anakapalli 8331056469 1 Anakapalli B. PrabhakaraRao ADA Yelamanchili 8331056389 2 VACANT PA to ADA Yelamanchili 8331056390 3 C.Sumanta MAO Rambilli 8331056393 4 D. Sowjanya MAO S Rayavaram 8331056394 5 P. MohanaRao MAO Yelamanchili 8331056391 6 B Sankargovind MAO Atchuthapuram 8331056392 1 Chodavaram V.Ravindranadh A.D.A Chodavaram 8331056402 2 M.Ramadevi PA to ADA Chodavaram 8331056403 3 E.Pavani MAO Chodavaram 8331056404 4 A. KrushnaVeni MAO Cheedikada 8331056407 5 B.BhaskaraRao MAO Butchiyyapeta 8331056408 6 L.Y.Kantamma MAO Devarapalli 8331056406 7 M.V.SomaSekhar MAO K.Kotapadu 8331056405 1 Narsipatnam T. Sridevi ADA Narsipatnam 8331056410 2 G Suguna PA To ADA Narsipatnam 8331056411 3 S Vijayalakshmi MAO Rolugunta 8331056416 4 VACANT AO(AMC)STL Narsipatnam 8331056412 5 D AppaRao MAO Narsipatnam 8331056413 6 M VasudevaRao MAO V Madugula 8331056417 7 D. Rupa MAO Ravikamatham 8331056414 8 K SudhaRani MAO Golugonda 8331056415 K. Uma Prasad ADA (R) I/C Payakaraopeta 8331056395 1 Payakaraopeta TS Rajkamal PA to ADA Payakaraopeta 8331056470 2 P. AdiNarayana MAO Payakaraopeta 8331056396 3 K. Uma Prasad MAO Nakkapalli 8331056401 4 B. Sarojini MAO Kotauratla 8331056397 5 Ch. ChiranjeeviRao MAO Makavarapalem 8331056398 6 Ch. Sailaja MAO Nathavaram 8331056399 1 Anakapalli M.Ramarao ADA® Anakapalli 8331056383 2 Ch.Joshnakumari MAO munagapaka 8331056387 3 P. U. B. P. Ranga Chary MAO Anakapalli 8331056385 4 M. Swapna MAO Kasimkota 8331056386 5 K.Dhanalakshmi PA TO ADA Anakapalli 8331056384 6 P.Satyanarayana MAO Sabbavaram 8331056428 7 Ch.V.S.S.N.Chandravathi MAO Parawada 8331056429
Cadre | Sanctioned strength | Working | Vacant |
VAA (Village Agriculture Asst.) | 227 | 179 | 48 |
VHA(Village Horticulture Asst.) | 245 | 104 | 141 |
VSA (Village Sericulture Asst.) | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Total |
District Agricultural Officer,