

The Collectorate play a pivotal role in the District administration. Collector in the Cadre of I.A.S heads the District. He acts as the District Magistrate for maintaining Law and Order in his jurisdiction. He deals mainly with planning and development, law and order, scheduled areas/agency areas, general elections, arms licensing etc.

The Joint Collector who also belongs to the I.A.S Cadre runs the Revenue administration under various enactments in the District. He is also designated as Additional District Magistrate. He mainly deals with civil supplies, land matters, mines and minerals, village officers ,District Medical and Health Department, Social Welfare Department, BC Welfare, BC Corporation, Disable Welfare, Housing and Other Departments..

The District Revenue Officer (DRO) in the Cadre of Special Grade Deputy Collectors assists the Collector and Joint Collector in discharging their duties. The District Revenue Officer looks after all the branches of the Collectorate. He deals mainly with general administration and is vested with supervision of day-to-day functions of the Collectorate.

The administrative Officer in the rank of a Tahsildar is the general assistant to the Collector. He directly supervises all the sections in the Collectorate and most of the files are routed through him.

The Collectorate is divided into  sections as below  as per the administrative reforms taken up by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.

1.  Establishment Section:(Admn):

    Office procedure, establishment and service matters including disciplinary issues of all cadres from Office Subordinate to All India Services. Accounts, Auditing, Salaries, Purchases and Record Maintenance.

2.  Land matters Section : (Land):

  1. Land administration, Alienation, Assignment, House Sites, Prohibited properties maintenance U/s 22-A of Registration Act, Fisheries and other land related subjects.

  2. Settlement regulations under various Laws viz., Estate Abolition Act, 1948, mam Abolition Act, All Court cases and suit matters, Forest Settlement Act.

  3. Land Acquisition General and SWLA, R&R issues and all matters relating to Land Acquisition issues.

3.  Maqisterial Section: (Maql§:

 Magisterial, Cinematography, Caste Verification, Fire and safety, Law & Order, SC-ST Atrocity cases and other related issues. Lokayukta, H.R.C. and N.H.R.C., cases and other Statutory body related issues including RTI Act.

4. Coordination Section (ROR, Relief, Protocol, Elections, Residuary matters): (Coordn):

  1. Natural Calamities, Water Tax, NALA, Resurvey Activities, Webland issues, ROR, Computerization of land records, e-governance and other related issues.

  2. All Elections issues including Electoral Registration activities, Protocol, All Grievances issues including Spandana, CMP and other related and miscellaneous subjects which are not allotted to any other Sections